commercial solar system?
Choose security.
Can we remind you to insure and secure your business solar panels?
Are you an entrepreneur or investor owning a solar PV system? In addition to the fact that solar panels on your business premises increase value and reduce electrical bills, it also entails risks. We are happy to think along with you and offer customization when it comes to the insurance of your solar PV system and the quality assurance of your solar modules and/or installation work of your solar power installation? We also offer excellent options for certifying your solar panels. We know, from years of experience, that not only insuring, but also financing your projects can take a lot of time and energy. With Solarif Matchmaker we put you as investor or project developer in touch with the right party to buy or to sell a project. In this way, we help you to take serious steps towards a financed, certified, and insured PV installation.
Our network
Sustainable energy is a hot topic and the sector is developing at lightning speed. We are happy to keep you informed.
We are going to fly over the Netherlands!
We are going to fly! Would you like to join us during our aerial inspection? ”Does my solar farm have anomalies?”, ”Am I getting enough
Meet team Risk Management
Meet Bart & Timo Recently, two valuable new team members joined our team. Bart Teeling and Timo Wolkenfelt. Timo and Bart are ready to help
Are you Solarif certified?
So Harry Wolkenfelt, what does this Solarif certified label really mean for my PV installation? A question our CEO Harry received recently.”Well dear friend, I’ll